Saturday, June 30, 2012

#Toronto Pride 2012: Dyke March and Festival

Hot summer 30 plus degree Celsius weather is scheduled but that won't keep away the rainbows during the 2012 Toronto Pride Dyke March and Street Festival on Saturday, June 30. The Dyke March begins with a 1pm Rally on Church Street (at Hayden St) before heading out on Bloor and across and down Yonge Street. There is also a post march picnic at Allan Gardens starting at 3pm.

"Dyke March Route 2012: The march will start with a Rally at 1:00pm at Church and Hayden Streets, then move north on Church to Bloor starting at 2pm, west on Bloor to Yonge, south on Yonge to Carlton and east on Carlton ending at Allan Gardens Park at Jarvis Street. Marchers and Allies are invited to join us for a picnic in Allan Gardens at the conclusion of the March to relax in the shade, participate in art and music, and use the space to make your statement! Please see the Accessibilties Resources section for information on Wheel-Trans, the wheelchair-equipped vehicle participating in the March. This section also has information about viewing stands for the Dyke March.
March, strut, scream, sign, chant, roll and dance your way through city streets. Share the truly awesome energy of thousands of other queer women and dykes. All queer women and self-identified dykes can march. The March is for all dykes and all types of queer women, including (but not limited to) dykes who are lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, questioning, trans, of trans experiences, genderqueer, intersex, and 2 Spirit. The March is absolutely trans and genderqueer positive. ALLIES, we need your help too! Your support from the sidewalks along the March route is really important. Cheer us on!" 

The parade heads south on Yonge Street as the crowd eagerly awaits

The Pride Weekend street fair takes place on Church Street, centred around Wellesley Street. The festival runs from 11am until midnight on Friday and Saturday and until 11pm on Sunday. The party features beer tents, colourful costumes and fun entertainment and events all weeked long.

See more photos after the jump.

The motorcycles led the parade

Horse and pony show

And onto Church for the Pride Street Festival.

The Trojan construction models

Free whistles from TD Canada Trust
Eyes on Church bodypainting

Some previous marches and street festival photos
MP Olivia Chow marches with the giant Pride flag during a previous march in the photo above.

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