Thursday, April 21, 2011

Evergreen Brickworks - a look back at abandoned factory

The Evergreen Brickworks is getting ready for a fun Earth Day Celebration on Saturday April 23rd, 2011 at the former Don Valley Brickworks factory and park. On Thursday April 21 the site will also try to make the world’s longest picnic table. Evergreen is also celebrating its 20th anniversary of making cities more livable. It’s time to get your Green On and participate in some free eco-activities.
Here is a look back at the abandoned group of buildings that was slowly crumbling, with holes in the roof that on sunny days let in slices of sun, and walls full of bright graffiti. The bricks long since stopped being churned out of the factory complex, fences put up in an attempt to keep out people interested in seeing the desolation that unwanted buildings and empty workplaces can produce. It was ghostly and fascinating at the same time and you could always stand in a sunbeam and look for a rainbow and a pot of gold.

And some of Fresh Joe's photos.

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